ISO 22000
The international organization ISO (International Organization of Standardization) has decades of experience developing standards for many different types of applications. One of the most popular and most recognized is the Quality Management System standard ISO 9001. This standard was developed to provide a uniform standard worldwide for quality management. A buyer in one part of the world would have a degree of confidence in the quality practices of a registered company in another part of the world. This standard was used as the basis for other more specific standards for quality management in the automotive industry, the medical device industry, and the aerospace industry.
Now this approach has been taken for Food Safety Management. ISO and its member countries used the Quality Management System approach, and tailored it to apply to Food Safety, incorporating the widely used and proven HACCP principles into the quality management system. The resulting standard is ISO 22000. Many companies will find parts of this document very familiar. If your organization uses a HACCP system, you will be building from that foundation. If your organization is ISO 9001 registered you will add HACCP into that system.